this is funny- self critique.

this project was actually inspired by a joke i had with my friends. i was on tumblr the other day, and came across a photo of a chihuahua wearing merida’s wig, from the pixar movie “brave”. i thought it was hilarious, and so did all of my friends. one of my best friends is a ginger, and so me being me, i thought it would be hilarious to photoshop the chihuahua over her face in a picture. so i did. and it got almost fifty likes on facebook. i included that picture in my project, seeing as the picture of the dog had over 50,000 notes on tumblr, and has gone viral there. i also incorporated two more popular memes: overly attached girlfriend and grumpy cat. i really liked the look of just subtly changing one person’s appearance and just leaving everyone else in the picture happy and smiling, so that is what i did. i think they turned out pretty well, the only thing i would have done differently is start sooner so i could have made more. and, as always, these are all pictures of my friends.

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